Physical Education
The Aylestone PE department aspires to develop physically confident pupils, who develop a love for physical activity in a way that supports their health, fitness and well-being. Together we strive to actively engage pupils through a broad range of physical activities to develop competence, activity levels, competitive resilience, independence, responsibility and their ability to lead healthy, active lifestyles.
By continuing to deliver and develop schemes of work which are accessible and stimulating for all pupils throughout a variety of sports and activities. Progression should be evident as pupils move through key stage 3 and as they tackle new and demanding activities within key stage 4 where they are required to organise and lead as part of their participation. Pupils will be provided with opportunities to gain experiences outside of simply performing and developing sport specific skills as they are assessed in relation to their performance, decision making and mindset. They will be encouraged to make decisions, work as part of a team, co-operate with others and evaluate own and others performances.
By the end of their Physical Education curriculum at Aylestone, pupils should have developed a personal commitment to, and genuine passion for, maintaining their health and well-being into adult life. Pupils will leave school as confident individuals who have a desire and interest to get involved in exercise, sports and activities, gaining the long-term benefits of physical activity as they move into adulthood.
KS3 Core PE
During the Key Stage 3 curriculum pupils will build on and embed skills learnt in Key Stage 1 and 2 and become more competent, confident and expert in their techniques. The PE department believes that all pupils should get the opportunity to experience as many different activities as possible, achieved through varied half termly activities.
Not only do pupils get the opportunity to perform in these varied activities but also get to experience a number of different roles including; performer, coach and official, helping to provide all pupils with an avenue of involvement out of school and in later life.
As pupils move to KS4 they continue to follow two hours of core PE as part of the curriculum, where pupils enhance their experience of the varied activities. Pupils are encouraged to tackle more complex and demanding activities and the roles within them, taking more responsibility in their delivery and evaluating successes
KS4 Core PE
During the Key Stage 4 Curriculum pupils will continue with two hours of Physical Education, split into two one hour lessons each week. Lessons will be split into a performance lesson and a competitive lesson. Within performance lesson pupils will follow a curriculum that offers a variety of activities, building on and reinforcing skills learnt in Key Stage 3 and applying them within different and more complex situations. In competition lessons, pupils will have the opportunity to select and execute skills in competitive situations via leagues or knockout competitions whilst also taking on different roles away from that of the performer.
BTEC TECH Award in Sport
What will pupils learn?
This course provides an engaging and relevant introduction to the world of sport. It incorporates important aspects of the industry, such as preparing participants to take part in sport, improving and analysing sports performance and developing fitness to improve sports performance. This course enables you to develop and apply your knowledge, whilst also developing a range of relevant practical, communication and technical skills.
How will pupils learn?
This course will be delivered through a mixture of theory and practical lessons, enhancing your knowledge and understanding of the key theoretical aspects of sport and exercise and using this to enhance personal performance in a range of areas including sports performance and leading and officiating others.
Pupils should have an interest in physical education and sport, enjoying being active and appreciate the benefits of keeping fit and healthy. If pupils participate regularly in sport outside curriculum lesson time, then this will highly support pupils’ progression throughout the course.
How will pupils be assessed?
Throughout the course pupils will study three mandatory units covering the underpinning knowledge and skills required for the sports sector.
- Preparing participants to take part in sport and physical activity – Internal assessments
- Taking part and improving other participants sporting performance – Internal assessments
- Developing fitness to improve other participants performance in sport and physical exercise – External assessment (Written exam 1hour and 30 mins).
What can pupils progress to?
If pupils are interested in taking their study further, studying this qualification will give them a strong foundation for academic and vocational study at level 3, including apprenticeships. The course develops the transferable skills and key skills that employers are looking for and can lead to a wide variety of employment opportunities. This can include further training in areas such as recreational management, leisure activities, coaching, officiating, the fitness industry, the armed forces and the civil service.
Further information
Mrs Henry